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Celluma light therapy improves cellular heath to reduce signs of aging and eliminate acne.
Used Celluma 2 times a week 8 weeks later

Used Celluma 2 times a week 5 weeks later

Used Celluma 2 times a week 8 weeks later
Results That Speak For Themselves
Every acne patient we have treated has seen results with the first Celluma acne treatment and signed up for a package or bought the Celluma to use at home. I have seen other blue light treatments, but nothing has given results like this with the first treatment. Here is what one patient with chronic cystic acne for years emailed, "I loved the light! I love how my skin feels/looks. The redness has subsided a bit and my skin (where it's clear) feels so smooth.” Dietary changes certainly help but take time and it is sometimes hard to get patient compliance, especially with teenagers. The Celluma offers a way for the patient to see real results immediately, and these patients refer others.
Adult acne haunted me for three years; I tried every product on the market. Often I had temporary success with expensive topical treatments, but nothing lasted. Using the Celluma daily healed my skin. After two weeks my cystic acne that spread across my face had diminished dramatically, eliminating deep painful blemishes. After six weeks I did not have inflamed acne blemishes. I have had clear skin for a year now; Celluma gave me my life back!
I use the Celluma for my face to clear acne. It sure is convenient to spend thirty minutes under a light instead of spending thirty minutes having your face poked at with a needle and then drenched in chemicals.
My son’s skin [Acne] looked better within 2 days. He ran out of benzoyl peroxide, so it’s Celluma doing this alone.
My clients love the Celluma treatment. It offers amazing results for a variety of treatment modalities.
I want to tell the world about what a great company Celluma is - one that truly supports our vets. I've honestly never seen anything this unconditional in my life! Thank you again to Celluma for supporting our veterans.